Respect, courage, commitment

Our vision

We make products proud

THE ACP GROUP shares the values of the HUEHOCO GROUP

This vision expresses the essence, the uniqueness of our Group and conveys what makes us special and will continue to do so in the future.

But … who are we? What are we? What are we like?

Corporate philosophy, values and mission statements – what do they say about us? Is something being imposed on us or are we living what we “write on our flags”? Perhaps you don’t always have to meet all the requirements in every situation at all times. But there must be a unified goal!

A common code of conduct to which we can align ourselves.

A clear idea of the values and decision-making processes that will continue to shape our HUEHOCO GROUP in the coming years and accompany us on our path into the future.

We would be happy to take you with us on this journey.


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Our values

We define ourselves and our dealings with each other through our values – whether within the company or in relation to our environment.


Respect for all creatures and resources of our planet.


Actively leaving the beaten track, thinking differently and taking responsibility for your own actions.


Solution-oriented thinking, coupled with determination for a positive attitude and the highest possible reliability.